Perhaps I should introduce myself

Perhaps I should introduce myself

I am in the slipstream of something so beyond me

A feeling of life, true, alive life life Life

My body is earthy, fleshy

I am rooted and subtle in my ecstasy

My heart is open

Pleasure washes through me

Its salty taste like seaweed and an open shore

I feel my spine - straight as an arrow

My integrity and depth pours

Unwavering rivers

May you drink from this cup of dark gold honey

I meet you through the irises and into to the unknown place

I see you

Let me love you

Person beyond flesh, story, projection even name

I love you

I say I write of love and longing

I am a dark poet

Seer of souls

Speaker of truths

Walker between worlds

May I reach beyond your fascia, your freckles, your sense of who you think you are and what has befallen you

May I see you

Truly feel you

Let us sing your soul its freedom

I am here for our emergence

I wonder

If I do not sell this well

This soulful life, this spiritual path

A path without promise but purpose

The holy vibration of standing tall

A depth of gaze that sees beyond form

Unimaginable freedom

An initiatory path

Dark arts

A vast heart

I am no slick salesman

I will not open my car boot to re-sell you yourself

Honesty sits between us like a leaden shoe

There is no magic pill

No quick fix for a life broken open

No spell to enchant your soul

But Life, it can call you with a fast-track ticket to the next adventure

Your unfoldment

To hold another I must meet myself

I crawled through the cupboard and found Narnia

Aslan prowls the edges of my psyche calling me in

Deeper, stiller


Some days I am singing

I am flying - in tune like the birds with unspoken song

Some days I have my ice axe in hand

An upwards trudge towards my liberation

Tiresome, tired


In a world of acquisition your soul is found in subtraction

No dogma, tradition or addition

The truth of your being may require the uncomfortable

The things you thought you didn’t have and didn’t need

People will come

And people will go

Grief, transformation, longing, love, old ones and dear ones

People that forever remain near ones

Rich connections, axis of earth orgasms

An unpeeling of anything that felt like bollocks anyway

I invite you to see that you set the rules

To a game with no first prize

Life has changed immeasurably and still

I am me



Holding it together at the seams

Loyal and lonely

In Love and

Completely undone

I am stronger, braver, more surrendered than ever

I meet great depths so I can deeply hold and stand

I give my life to soul and soil

To the truth of your essence and who you really are

To your soul,

I am here

Sit here awhile, let us unclip our wings and fly.


A new frontier of leadership