I care deeply about soul emergence and moving through the thresholds of life that support us to grow and stand in the truth of who we really are.

I am a seeker of truth and see through veils.

I use my care, sensitivity and attunement to reach in and touch the parts of us often malnourished in a society that has turned its gaze from soul, soil and the Life current that commands our attention as our world awakens to its necessary evolution.

I call forth the parts of you that are ripe to emerge.

I have traversed conventional realms of what we call life - success - safety. 

I know what it is to achieve and to find it wanting.

My qualifications are an outer wrapping for a wild soul encased in soft, human flesh.

What you need to know is,

I found what I know to be LIFE.

An irrefutable current that is there, waiting for the tide to take you on an inescapable adventure.

Your unfoldment.

Olivia spent her early career working in the cornerstone of British politics amongst those who pull the levers of power within the British political system and media. Here she was immersed in a unique environment, working for and alongside some of the most influential people of the day in the political arena. This was a time of rich education and exploration of power and leadership during an era of immense upheaval and change in British politics. Following an intuitive call to New Zealand, Olivia worked as an Advisor and Strategist in the Care and Protection system focussing on Indigenous rights and the strategic direction of one of the most fraught areas of New Zealand society.


  • Olivia saw herself committed to a career of change-making from inside the corridors of power. However after nearly 10 years in the corporate world, it became clear that Olivia had more to offer than could be achieved from behind a desk and followed a path of esoteric and spiritual education.

    Olivia has spent many years immersed in esoteric study and leading edge technologies of awakening, personal growth and healing. She has spent thousands of hours immersed in transformational soul work and supporting others to awaken and emerge as who they really are. As a Tantric massage therapist, she has supported hundreds of clients to ignite their lifeforce and enjoy a life of deep meaning. She is also a writer, 300 hr trained yoga teacher and co-founder of The Dakini Academy, a school for embodiment and ceremonial arts.

    Olivia weaves her experiences from the frameworks of conventional power and the mysteries of soul to meet you with depth, integrity and a burning fire to serve humanity in this time of global chaos and unfoldment.

    Olivia lives for the wild untouched beauty of the natural world. She is currently exploring life in Italy with her partner and her beloved rescue dog.

My work is focussed on awakening and emergence. For people to remember who they truly are and live in alignment with their greatest expression.

I offer a unique invitation to inhabit a life of deep meaning and fulfillment.

How I work

  • I often work with people who sense there is something more to the life they are living. They have reached the peak of what they thought life should look like and find something is missing. This can be an exhilarating, relieving and terrifying time.

    I believe the deepest parts of us are always calling us into deeper union with our true expression. There is often a voice hidden underneath the layers, the expectations, our pain, traumas or the ways we try to fit society’s mold.

    We are always being called home.

    Having experienced an extremely successful corporate career and chosen to follow a path of spiritual awakening and personal transformation, I have cultivated a deep capacity to meet you wherever you are on your path. 

    I hold a vision for your highest potential. 

    It is not about ‘getting somewhere’ but unpeeling what is in the way of your true essence shining forth and taking a stand for who you are and the leadership of your soul.

Book a free 30 minute discovery call to explore working together.