Talking of transformation

The word ‘transformation’ can get a bad rep…

Much like the word ‘awakening’.

Some people feel that to say you are awakening, or seeking awakening is to say that others are not ‘awake’.

That they are sleepy, unconscious, unaware.

Some people feel that to talk of transformation is to say that we’re somehow unfit or imperfect as we are and a level of change must take place in order to be acceptable.

I disagree with both of these views….

I see transformation as the inevitable move towards a deeper version of who you already are.

Like a butterfly emerging from the chrysalis… Like the snake that sheds its skin…

Something must change in order for us to fully emerge.


There is a reality where we are perfect as we are.

I believe we are already whole.

However, to let go of the things that hold us back from being who we really are requires us to TRANSFORM.

In Tantric terms: to transmute energies.

To shapeshift, try on different archetypal energies for size.

To play around with the tight concepts of who we may think we are and to make enough space in our bodies and psyches for the possibility of something else to come through.

This is not about you not being good enough as you are…

This is about you stepping into the shoes of who you’re supposed to be.


There are many sleepy people in this world. Under the guise of ‘maya’ or illusion. Believing that the next order from Amazon prime, addictive habit, expensive holiday or relationship will save us from ourselves.

Our society has fallen into a stupor of some people even refusing to belief that the climate is not on the edge of mass extinction…

In that sense, I do believe many people are asleep.

And it takes those of us willing and able to see through these veils of illusion to what’s really happening on our planet.

And more importantly,

It is an invitation for those us willing and able to continue to awaken to the truth of who we are so we can stand….

Create art,

Devote yourself to beauty.

Follow the thread of truth and freedom that leads you to yourself.

Allow yourself to continue to wake up to the reality of what is possible for this human existence.

The wild untamed part of you that wasn’t born for movie marathons, dead end jobs, suffocating office culture, societal expectations and swimming in a shallow pool of a life that’s ‘good enough’.

You are a spark of divine creation….

In practical terms this means you matter.

Your awakening, your growth, your emergence,

Your connection to soul, soil and spirit deeply matters.

So, on a planet so thirsty for change….

Know that we never fully arrive,

We are always waking up…

But please..

Let us transform 🦋


My work is deeply transformational, deeply caring and deeply nourishing. I help you uncover and emerge of the truth of who you are. Maybe that’s through your creativity, your leadership capacities and desires or through your sexuality. Maybe you’re in the market for a full spectrum experience of what it truly means to be human, living a life of deep meaning and being in service to something great….

Whatever that looks like for you…

Reach out to me xx


If you’re interested in finding out more about the different expressions of transformation, check out my interview with somatic sexologist Luzi Pods on Youtube and read more about the sovereign path of transformation on Substack.

We talk about transformation in a sexological and ecological way… Change that is deeply rooted and therefore sustainable.


Where to find more of me online


Soul Emergence