Launching Integritas - A Soulful Leadership Podcast

Officially releasing my new podcast - Integritas.

This is an exploration of a new frontier of leadership which is embodied, soulful and life-activated. I talk with people who inspire me about leadership, purpose and being in service to humanity’s collective awakening and uncovering what it means to be a soulful leader in today’s world.

This is a project that has been gestating in me for many months and like all good things has been working me from the inside out doing anything in service to soulful living forces us to be in alignment and walk the talk…. I don’t have the answers but I am asking the questions.

I am so delighted to have Jon Eden Khan Bonny Tydeman and Luzi Pods as my first chats… people who inspire me with their passion and commitment to a more beautiful world and ways of living rooted in truth and integrity.

I have been mentored by Jon, coached by Bonny and taken part in one of Luzi’s 7 week JUICE containers... It was important for me to interview people I know and have experienced their work and their leadership.

These people are the real deal when it comes to expressing and embodying soulful leadership.

I have more epic people and themes of soulful leadership lined up and I am so looking forward to these conversations.

Yes it's the end of 2024 and we should all be looking in and reflecting but it's also Capricorn New Moon and the Black Moon at that...

For me, this is a time of deep stillness, contemplation and a readiness to keep moving forward.

To share what I feel is important, to explore big questions with beautiful people and unpack the collective understanding of what it means to be living this human experience in all its glory and messiness AND have the guts to stand up in amongst it all and create, share and lead.

Please subscribe, share this podcast and let me know if it touches you!

Much love


Conversations on soul: magic, mystery and embodied living


Watch & listen to Conversations on Soul